Guiding Principles for Service Development and Delivery
We are committed to providing supports and services that are person-centered, based on informed choice and positive outcomes, and that promote physical and emotional well-being, flexibility and respect for cultural differences
We will provide supports and services that are fiscally responsible
We are committed to assisting people to become contributing citizens within their community
We will work with partners in developing a system in the Municipality of Chatham–Kent that will respond, within available resources, to the support requirements of individuals who have diverse abilities
The agency will assist people to live and participate in the life of the community
We are committed to participating in a service system where crisis situations receive the highest priority response
We will participate in coordinated forums for system wide planning, coordination of supports and resource sharing
We will plan with and provide support to people and their families in such a way that enables choice, full participation and self-determination
We will provide supports and services that reflect respect and value for each person
We are committed to ensuring that people have access to an external advocate
Approved by Board: April 14, 2015
Code of Ethics
Community Living Chatham-Kent provides support and services for people who have diverse abilities.
It is the intent of the Board of Directors that Community Living Chatham-Kent operate within the highest moral, ethical, and business standards for conduct and service in the communities we serve.
It is expected that the staff of Community Living Chatham-Kent will conduct themselves in a professionally competent manner that upholds the highest moral standards for persons receiving services and supports by the organization, other agencies, employers, and the community in general.
It is expected that the Board, management, and staff of Community Living Chatham-Kent will treat all stakeholder groups in a professional and respectful manner at all times, emphasizing inclusion for persons receiving services.
Persons receiving support must always be treated with the highest degree of dignity and respect. Services must center on a person’s individual needs, preferences, and desired outcomes. People must be given continuous opportunities for input into their service delivery.
The Board of Directors and all employees adhere to the following Code of Ethics:
Shall strive for the highest standard of excellence in support, advocacy, and service.
Shall insist on honesty, fairness, confidentiality and ethical behaviour in all business, financial, marketing and service practices.
Shall encourage and advocate for the wishes, dreams, and aspirations of persons supported.
Shall value the trust of people who receive services and their families.
Shall provide services designed to meet the needs of persons supported, with an emphasis on personal choice.
Shall respect the privacy and protect the rights of persons supported, while maintaining confidentiality.
Shall advocate for services within our community, protection of persons supported, promoting ethical actions at all times.
Shall not discriminate because of race, colour, national ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and diverse abilities.
Adherence to these guidelines will promote a climate conducive to respect, cooperation, development and growth, innovation and success.
Community Living Chatham-Kent will achieve its mission through financial responsibility, honesty, and utilizing ethical and professional business practices at all times.
Community Living . . . Discovering Dreams, Connecting Lives
Developed March 18, 2014